Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to Make Google Chrome Run Faster

Delete Extensions

1. Launch the Chrome browser and click the “Tool” button. This button looks like a wrench icon in the top right corner of the screen.
2. Hover the mouse cursor over “Tools,” then click “Extensions” from the menu. You will see a list of extensions currently installed on your browser.
3. Click the “Uninstall” link under the name of the extension you want to remove, then click “Uninstall” in the pop-up window.
4. Repeat the process until you only have extensions that you commonly use still installed on Chrome.

Clear Browsing Data

1. Click the “Tool” button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
2. Hover the mouse cursor over “Tools,” then click “Clear browsing data” from the menu. A new pop-up window will appear.
3. Select “The Beginning of Time” from the time drop-down menu.
4. Select the data you would like to clear from your browser. Browsing history, cache and cookies can slow down your browser and should be cleared out regularly.
5. Click the “Clear Browsing Data” button. Chrome will clear the data from your browser automatically.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Adjust Graphics for Speed

Windows XP has a lot of new cool looking visual elements, however, those new elements take up more RAM and cause your computer to be less responsive. By tweaking your graphics settings, you can increase the performance of your computer.

To get started, Let's reduce the color quality.  This setting determines how many colors are displayed on your screen.

     1. Right click on your desktop and select properties.
     2. Click on the settings tab and adjust the color quality drop down box to Medium (16 Bit).
     3. Click OK.

Next, let's use the windows performance settings to optimize your computer for performance.  This will revert back to the old Windows 2000 look as well as take away a lot of the fancy graphics effects.  However, if you are really into performance, this is the price you have to pay.

     1. Right click on the My Computer icon on your desktop or in your start panel and select properties.
     2. Next, Click on the Advanced tab and hit the setting button under performance.
     3. On the visual effects tab, select Adjust for Best Performance and hit OK.
     4. Hit OK once more to exit system properties.